Be Relentless in 2022 – Everest in Edmonton

Being relentless means demanding xmore of yourself than anyone else could ever demand of you, knowing that every time you stop, you can still do more.

So this makes the relentless list. Hiking 3,234,000 step’s roughly 2,465 kilometer’s in +40 to -40 in one year. The preparation for Everest in Edmonton and life.

To be relentless, you must develop the will and the habits of a Viking . You must cultivate a mindset that will allow you to defeat your obstacles and to reach your goals.

Challenge yourself to be uncomfortable, push past the apathy and laziness and fear.

Be relentless means keep fighting even when it looks like you will lose. To never surrender. Do not give up. Do not stop until the fight is over. Go down swinging. Know that they will never win if they slow down, let up, or stop moving forward. Do not worry about outcomes they cannot control. They keep fighting and focus on what they can do.

Tell yourself you’re relentless. Say it out loud. Make it a battle cry. In the dead of night when you’re hiking instead of sleeping, whisper to yourself, “I am relentless. I am enough. I am relentless. I am enough.” Keep repeating it until you feel it.

Light that spark, and fan the flames because you are enough. You always have been, and you always will be. All you have to be is relentless.

Giving back through life-changing experiences.

The “Coolest” Charity on the Planet
February 26. 2022
#Edmonton #Alberta

Make 2022 the best ever, no matter what.

Join us Saturday February 26.2022 for Everest in Edmonton-2 for a 44.5 km hike throughout the city of Edmonton Alberta Canada River Valley and all proceeds raised will go to Myeloma Canada. Register or donate today.

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