This year, the Everest In Edmonton team has decided to give all of the money generated to the fight of prostate cancer. The 25th of February on a Saturday. 2023. A harrowing and bone-chilling trek over the whole of the 44.5-kilometer River Valley in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

Prostate Cancer

The disease of the prostate may be a challenging subject to discuss. There is a wealth of information available about testing, treatment, and how to live your life with this condition. In this article, we will cover some of the fundamentals of prostate cancer in an effort to make things more understandable.

Approximately one in eight men in Canada will be diagnosed with prostate cancer at some time in their life.

Each year, more than 18,000 men are diagnosed with prostate cancer; that works out to over 52 men each and every day.

There are now over 217,000 males living with and beyond the diagnosis of prostate cancer.

Each year, prostate cancer claims the lives of around 4,580 men.

Prostate Cancer

The development of a malignant tumour in the prostate may be traced to the abnormal multiplication and uncontrolled expansion of prostate cells.

This kind of cancer often progresses slowly and does not initially create significant difficulties for patients. On the other hand, prostate cancer may develop into a more aggressive kind that quickly spreads to other areas of the body and causes significant harm.

It is preferable to diagnose cancer at an early stage so that your physician can monitor it and provide guidance on the next actions to take. Even if the disease is diagnosed at a later stage, you and the members of your healthcare team may still be able to explore treatment choices that prioritize your quality of life.

Cancer of the prostate is the kind of cancer that is diagnosed in the majority of males. People over the age of 50 are at an increased risk for developing it.